Song Title Needed
(too old to reply)
Jeff Wisnia
2013-08-15 02:30:03 UTC
I'm trying again after a six year hiatus since I last asked...

I'm seeking the title of song sung in my high school choral group about
55 years ago..... A link to the full lyrics would be appreciated too.

The words I remember went:

"Drums, drums, drums with an urge ere mounting higher,

Oh they set the heart on fire..."

I've struck out trying a whole bunch of lyric websites.

Thanks guys,

Jeffry Wisnia
(W1BSV + Brass Rat '57 EE)
The speed of light is 1.8*10^12 furlongs per fortnight.
2013-09-05 09:16:56 UTC
||I'm trying again after a six year hiatus since I last asked...
||I'm seeking the title of song sung in my high school choral group
||about 55 years ago..... A link to the full lyrics would be
||appreciated too.
||The words I remember went:
||"Drums, drums, drums with an urge ere mounting higher,
||Oh they set the heart on fire..."
||I've struck out trying a whole bunch of lyric websites.

How about doing an internet search of colleges that have existing choral
(glee) clubs? Emailing the professor(s) if they'd heard of the song?
Email West Point or Yale and their respective 'choral directors' perhaps
ask for a referral?

Sounds like a folk song or civil war song? I'd ask a folk music
professor? Do an internet search and email them? Perhaps, use the
subject: Please. Do you know the name of this 1958 folk song?
Remember to thank them for their time.

Is there anybody from your high school glee club you can ask? Perhaps,
the high school librarian has in their archive a copy of the program? Or
explain your plight. How about youtube? Though I think the TV program
'Glee' kinda throws the search out of kilter.

Let us know when you get the title or song?

alt.music.lyrics is a good place. I've been around for about 15 years
but I don't check as often but it's still garners the old timers looking
for a cheap thrill.
