"Here's to the hole that never heals..." I don't know the rest of the words!
(too old to reply)
2018-03-31 07:35:57 UTC
Heres to the axe wound that never heals

the more you rub it the better it feels

you can rub it you can scrub it you can give it a swish but youll never get rid of that smell of old fish

herpes crabs siphilis and lice ive had them all by jesus christ das vedanya ARTE ET MARTE

Get one down ya!!!!!
2018-05-15 18:18:06 UTC
That was from the old Canadian comedy team MacLean and MacLean its on the bitter reality album.
2018-08-25 03:11:08 UTC
The more you rub it the better it feels, blue balls syphilis, crabs and lice, we've had them all by jesus christ. Gentleman the queen
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2020-01-08 18:50:58 UTC
All the soap this side of hell could not wash away that fishy smell,
wine woman song and dance, blue balls syphilis rats and mice,
we've had them all by Jesus Christ
the queen.
2020-04-10 13:57:29 UTC
Please help!
There is a long poem that i'd heard recited many years ago as a toast
- but i can't remember anything but the very start and the very end.
(starting with)
"Here's to the hole that never heals, the more you stroke it, the
better it feels..."
(and ending with)
"Gentlemen, to the Queen!"
Can anyone help?
and all the soap this side of hell
Will never remove that fishy smell.
