Pop song from the 80's beginning with wind chimes?
(too old to reply)
2010-09-29 15:34:44 UTC
Hi all,

I know this doesn't have much to do with lyrics, but I have had
success trying to identify a song here before, so here goes.

I am trying to remember a song from 1980's. I remember the video on
MTV, it started out with wind chimes, and a lone figure walking (or
maybe riding a horse) across some desolate landscape. For some reason
I think its a Chris Deburgh video, but I can't seem to find any Chris
Deburgh song that is the song I am thinking of. Everytime I hear the
beginning of Blackwater by the Doobie Brothers on the radio, which
also starts with wind chimes, I think it may be this long lost song,
but its always Blackwater and not the other song. Anyone have any idea
of what this song is? Thanks.

Jorge Vidal Wulff
2010-09-29 16:15:41 UTC
remember any part of the lyrics? that might help...
Post by blakesq
Hi all,
I know this doesn't have much to do with lyrics, but I have had
success trying to identify a song here before, so here goes.
I am trying to remember a song from 1980's. I remember the video on
MTV, it started out with wind chimes, and a lone figure walking (or
maybe riding a horse) across some desolate landscape. For some reason
I think its a Chris Deburgh video, but I can't seem to find any Chris
Deburgh song that is the song I am thinking of. Everytime I hear the
beginning of Blackwater by the Doobie Brothers on the radio, which
also starts with wind chimes, I think it may be this long lost song,
but its always Blackwater and not the other song. Anyone have any idea
of what this song is? Thanks.
2010-09-30 15:03:07 UTC
Planet P "Why Me".

STrange/serendipitous that there is a line in the song that says:

"the last man to be here
was never heard from again
he won't be back this way
till 2010..."
Post by Jorge Vidal Wulff
remember any part of the lyrics? that might help...
Jorge Vidal Wulff
2010-09-30 23:39:49 UTC
well, it seems you found it...
Post by blakesq
Planet P "Why Me".
"the last man to be here
was never heard from again
he won't be back this way
till 2010..."
Post by Jorge Vidal Wulff
remember any part of the lyrics? that might help...