***@invalid.invalid as King Henry V: Though all that I can do is
nothing worth, Since that my penitence comes after all, Imploring
Post by i***@invalid.invalidnothing worth, Since that my penitence comes after all, Imploring Pardon.
Well that is better ... assuming it actually means something.
It's Ian Anderson, for god sakes.
Is that (or this) supposed to mean something ?
Bill Jillians - Improving EVERYONE'S Usenet Experience since 1997.
Raised to Perfection: demon.ip.support.newuser, uk.adverts.personals(RIP),
Work in Progress: alt.usenet.kooks, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
rec.arts.drwho,uk.rec.sheds http://youtu.be/r7pU7Ki6cAI
"The life of a private citizen is infinitely preferable to the life of a Prince
in terms of the damage done to other people" Machiavelli.