David Denholm
2010-02-06 06:26:11 UTC
Trying to remember this song. All I can remember is the artist is
male, and it is a solo song from about 10 or 12 years ago. And the
refrain goes like " And I...................Never had a girl like
you. Or "And I................never had a love like you. What is
so unique is that his voice is very lonesome and this is a slow love
song type. His voice is like a Duran Duran type. It is kind of a
haunting refrain that sticks in your mind. Maybe he says "Oh
I..................never had a l girl like you. It is a very slow
refrain, and his voice goes up quite high in the middle and then down
low at the end. I want to picture a music video from this where you
see heat waves rising up from the ground in the hot desert sun and he
is standing alone in some old gas station in the hot sun singing this
song. Song is about a past girl he loved and lost, and is a
melanchoy song, haunting type of lyrics.
male, and it is a solo song from about 10 or 12 years ago. And the
refrain goes like " And I...................Never had a girl like
you. Or "And I................never had a love like you. What is
so unique is that his voice is very lonesome and this is a slow love
song type. His voice is like a Duran Duran type. It is kind of a
haunting refrain that sticks in your mind. Maybe he says "Oh
I..................never had a l girl like you. It is a very slow
refrain, and his voice goes up quite high in the middle and then down
low at the end. I want to picture a music video from this where you
see heat waves rising up from the ground in the hot desert sun and he
is standing alone in some old gas station in the hot sun singing this
song. Song is about a past girl he loved and lost, and is a
melanchoy song, haunting type of lyrics.